18, Memory Lane

My friends wanted to cheer me up and do something special for me on my 18th birthday. So they decided to throw me a little surprise birthday party. The only thing they told me was to "dress up" and I had no idea where we were going that day. 2 of my girlfriends met up with me and later some other guy friends we knew came along. One of them gave me a bouquet of flowers, which was a little awkward for me (I don't really fancy flowers) and then I was "whisked away" to some place. It turned out to be a nice restaurant/lounge. We had a really great time together and the band playing were awesome too. At the end of their performance, they played this song specially for me... Little did I know that it's gonna be the start of an exciting and exhilarating Rollercoaster ride for me ^_^

Today, years later, I came upon this song on youtube. It was just before midnight, I was listening and singing the song when hubby came in the room, started to shower me with kisses, wishing me "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!". Then when it came to the chorus, we both sang together. It was at the stroke of midnight and suddenly I was back in that restaurant/lounge, with the band singing, my friends around me, me so happy and high... hahaha! But only this time, this very moment, I felt even more complete. The very same feeling I had back then and even more with my hubby next to me. I don't know what you call it - that Feeling. It just made me feel so alive... Aaahh... This song totally resonates with me more than ever and yes, Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

PS: LOVE the movie Mannequin too! ^_^

And we can build this thing together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us 

Ooh, all that I need is you
All that I ever need
And all that I want to do
Is hold you forever, ever and ever...


Timing couldn't be any better! I saw this post on FB earlier and LOVE it! Thank you Soul Speaking for posting this on FB and credit goes to The Horse Mafia for this awesome poster! Pat Benatar, what can I say... YOU ROCK! 


Everything is going to be great!

You cannot bring what you want to you if you are feeling stress. Stress or any tension at all is something you have to remove from your system.

You must let the stress go – it is the only way you can bring what you want. The emotion of stress is saying strongly that you do NOT have what you want. Stress or tension is the absence of faith, and so to remove it all you have to do is increase your faith! – Rhonda Byrne from TheSecret Daily Teachings LOA

It has been quite a year for me so far. Travel plans had to be postponed due to some unforeseen situation. I was really looking forward to the trips, not just to break away from office but also to have some quality time with love. Yes, we do meet up after work, for dinner or movies but that’s just what we do every day. I feel we both need a break from our daily routine and do something different. A different environment will also set a different mood especially since so many things had happened. I rather not go into details about it. Which is also the reason why the long absence in updating my blog.

Like what Rhonda Byrne said earlier, “You must let the stress go.” Honestly I haven’t been that true to myself.  There are still some shadows lurking and will often come by and change my mood. I do whatever I can to not “entertain” it but.. no, no buts!

Anyway, on the good side, I started on a new way of eating in May and managed to lose 6kgs in the 1st month! Yay me! Even though I did not continue, I still manage to maintain the weight loss! Another yay! ^_^ I’m starting on it again, slowly. Easy does it, I know I can do it! YES!

So yes, I have to keep looking at the Positives and “let the stress go”. Like I said, I’m not gonna go into details of whatever that has happened because I want to focus on NOW. I’m not gonna worry myself about the future and whenever I look back at my past, I shouldn’t stay too long in it. The past is long gone, my future is not known and what is important is NOW.
Whatever will be will be. For now I am happy! Thank you Rhonda Byrne for the post on FB this morning! 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Much Love and Happy Thursday!
thank you The Secret (FB) for posting this! 

12 Things Successful People Do Differently

I saw this pic posted by Inspire Your Spirit on FB and just have to post it here - also for my own personal reminder. So many inspirational and positive posts I see on FB daily and I'd usually pick those I really like and put it up on my blog here so that anytime I come by to check on my blog, I'll be reminded and it'll also help to push me forward.

So these are the 12 things successful people do differently (I like it, 12! ^_^):

Choose the Positive

Yes! I choose to be Positive today! Today, I'm grateful for:

♥ My Senses - I'm so grateful for being able to See, Hear, Feel, Smell, Walk, Eat, Sleep and everything that I'm able to do, thank You for this blessing;

 My hubby - for always being there for me, our silly jokes and laughter and all the fun we always have together;

 The roof over my head - my beautiful, comfortable, peaceful Home;

 The nutritious and yummy food on my table everyday;

♥ My parents - HAPPY 50TH GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY TO MY PARENTS!! I'm so grateful for having them today in my Life, for their support, understanding and unconditional love for me;

♥ My siblings - I LOVE YOU ALL! As the saying goes, "blood is thicker than water". No matter, I love you all to bits! You're all awesome in your own ways;

♥ My parents-in-law - I love you both! Thank you for being wonderful parents to me too, for loving me as your own daughter and yes! for bringing up an awesome son, my most beloved hubby;

♥ My nephews and nieces - my beautiful sons and daughters - thank you for being awesome in your own ways, for your love and care;

♥ My friends - thank you all for being a part of my Life and for being my wonderful extended family members;

♥ My Job - I'm grateful for my job, for the endless opportunity to better myself as a person as well as a good worker;

♥ Colleagues - having good working colleagues is a blessing and I'm also very grateful for this;

I'm also grateful for the new adventures coming in my Life - the many amazing travel destinations that I'll be going (I have 95% of the world to go to, YES!), for new camaraderies, great new Life opportunities - an awesome new chapter in my Life that is filled with abundance of all good things, wealth, great health and an incredible career that will allow me to do what I Love and also have a well-balanced life physically and spiritually.


Sharing this post by Ralph Marston posted on his FB page just awhile ago. Thank you Ralph Marston for your amazing work and for inspiring so many others like me! Keep on inspiring and spread the Positivity!

Love and Joy from Me to You

Choose the positive 

From the exact same situation, you can be frustrated or you can be inspired. Choose to be inspired. 

Whatever the circumstance, you can be filled with fear or you can be filled with love. Choose the positive energy of love. 

You can see the situation as a problem, or you can see it as an opportunity. Make the choice to look at it as an opportunity, and the opportunity will indeed be valuable. 

Life is what it is. Yet the way you choose to see it makes all the difference in the way you are able to live it. 

See the positive possibilities, choose the positive response, and you'll live a rich and fulfilling life. Go through each day with a positive perspective, and you'll encounter new treasures in every moment. 

You always have a choice, and your choice always has its consequences. Choose positive, and choose the best of all possible worlds.

Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator



I was thinking of getting a rainbow cake for my birthday but I already had that for my wedding anni in May. Then I thought, ok I'll just get the red velvet cupcakes and brownie just to celebrate early November with my family and colleagues.

On my birthday, right on midnight both my nephew and hubby sang to me and wished me. It was the best! My 2 most beloved guys with me on my birthday! YAY!!  Then early morn, my mom called me and sang to me and that was the sweetest thing, in fact, it never gets old; I'll always giggle like the little girl - mummy's dearest and most beloved.. Heeheehee! Yea, I'm spoilt but only spoilt with loads of Love from both my parents and I'm so grateful for that! I love you too mom and dad!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

That day was off day for me - plant shutdown. Just awesome cos it was a Monday and the following day was a Public Holiday (Deepavali). Long weekend for me!! Another YAY!! ^____^ Hubby went for his driving practice early morn and he bought for me my favorite asian style stir-fried noodles with my favorite chicken wings, vegetables and fishcakes. And the most sweetest part was, he came home with a surprise for me!

What's even MORE surprising was, it was EXACTLY as how I had imagined it! About a week or so, I had pictured in my head hubby surprising me with a box, but in my "dream" I didn't quite see what's in the box. I didn't tell him about it and just went on with my days and suddenly on my birthday it happened! My jaw dropped! I was totally surprise and yeah, a little freaked out! I was too happy for words and half the time, I wasn't really listening to him (sorry Lov! i was too excited!) but I knew he kept repeating that he didn't know if I'd like it and he wanted something different, not something that I'd like but main thing it's from him to me. I opened it, and it's a WHOLE cake! I thought he'd just get me some different slices of cake, I didn't expect a WHOLE cake! Best of all, the cake is so YUMMY!! I LOVE IT!! Thank you Lov!!!

Yummy Fruit Cake from hubby and me making my birthday wish!
The next day, I met up with an old friend who had "disappeared" from the cyber world and kept silent for a long time and suddenly "emerged" back.  We had a long chat and we both missed each other soooooo much! We went to Max Brenner at Vivocity and I love it!! Definitely going back there again! YES! My friend also bought me a gift (another surprise!) and we shared fondue and churros. The fondue and especially churros so YUMMZ! For drinks, I had white chocolate strawberry frappe and my friend ordered Hot Chocolate Pops - looks so thick and yummy too!
Max Brenner Chocolate Bar @ Vivocity Singapore
That night my col was bugging me if am going to work the next day. She eventually let out her surprise for me and I thought it was so sweet of her. I didn't know what cake but it looks home-baked. When I went to work the next day, the minute she saw me she kept apologizing cos she said on her way to work, the cake slightly toppled and it's quite a mess. I assured her that it's ok but what really surprised me was that she said it's a RAINBOW CAKE! I didn't tell anyone about it cos like I said, I already had a rainbow cake for my anni but the truth is, I still wanted it, so I got it! It's a RAINBOW CAKE! HEEEEE!
Rainbow Cake from my colleagues

One surprise after another! Then today it's the AP-PEL! SWEET NOVEMBER!! Thank you for the blessings and all the surprises so far! I'm so grateful and so very happy! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

Be Happy NOW

Something AWESOME happened just couple hours ago!! Here I was, singing my heart out to my fav Japanese song "Say Yes" by Chage and Aska, blasting the song on Youtube, hubby in the kitchen cooking noodles for me, and then there was a knock on the door. Hubby opened the door and there was a delivery package. I simply continued singing, then after lunch, hubby slowly took the package, opened it up and took pictures. After that, he passed a box to me, I saw and asked him what is it and he told me IT'S MY AP-PEL!!! AAAAHHHHH!!! I've been waiting for this package like forever! 

See, was supposed to go out but we had to cancel the plan. If we had gone out, we would have missed the package and will have to wait till Monday to collect. Oh what a Happy day for me!!! *doing the dance of joy* ^_____^

I came across this post by Law Of Attraction on FB:

You must be happy now to bring happiness into your life through the law of attraction.

It's a simple formula. Happiness attracts happiness.

Yet people use so many excuses as to why they can't be happy.

They use excuses of debt, excuses of health, excuses of relationships, and excuses of all sorts of things as to why they can't use this simple formula. But the formula is the law.

No matter what the excuse, unless you begin to feel happy despite it, you cannot attract happiness.

The law of attraction is saying to you, "Be happy now, and as long as you keep doing that, I will give you unlimited happiness." (Rhonda Byrne)

YEAH!! Be happy and bring happiness to You NOW!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX


Your Thoughts Create Your Future

This post by The Secret is great too! Let's Create HAPPY, GOOD thoughts! ^___^

It is not enough to know the principles in The Secret - you must DO them, unceasingly, every single day. You must LIVE the principles. And as you do, step by step, you will become the master of your thoughts and feelings, and the master of your life!
There is nothing more important than this, because your entire future is created by the thoughts that you are thinking now! From The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne.

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost

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The Daily Motivator