Choose the Positive

Yes! I choose to be Positive today! Today, I'm grateful for:

♥ My Senses - I'm so grateful for being able to See, Hear, Feel, Smell, Walk, Eat, Sleep and everything that I'm able to do, thank You for this blessing;

 My hubby - for always being there for me, our silly jokes and laughter and all the fun we always have together;

 The roof over my head - my beautiful, comfortable, peaceful Home;

 The nutritious and yummy food on my table everyday;

♥ My parents - HAPPY 50TH GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY TO MY PARENTS!! I'm so grateful for having them today in my Life, for their support, understanding and unconditional love for me;

♥ My siblings - I LOVE YOU ALL! As the saying goes, "blood is thicker than water". No matter, I love you all to bits! You're all awesome in your own ways;

♥ My parents-in-law - I love you both! Thank you for being wonderful parents to me too, for loving me as your own daughter and yes! for bringing up an awesome son, my most beloved hubby;

♥ My nephews and nieces - my beautiful sons and daughters - thank you for being awesome in your own ways, for your love and care;

♥ My friends - thank you all for being a part of my Life and for being my wonderful extended family members;

♥ My Job - I'm grateful for my job, for the endless opportunity to better myself as a person as well as a good worker;

♥ Colleagues - having good working colleagues is a blessing and I'm also very grateful for this;

I'm also grateful for the new adventures coming in my Life - the many amazing travel destinations that I'll be going (I have 95% of the world to go to, YES!), for new camaraderies, great new Life opportunities - an awesome new chapter in my Life that is filled with abundance of all good things, wealth, great health and an incredible career that will allow me to do what I Love and also have a well-balanced life physically and spiritually.


Sharing this post by Ralph Marston posted on his FB page just awhile ago. Thank you Ralph Marston for your amazing work and for inspiring so many others like me! Keep on inspiring and spread the Positivity!

Love and Joy from Me to You

Choose the positive 

From the exact same situation, you can be frustrated or you can be inspired. Choose to be inspired. 

Whatever the circumstance, you can be filled with fear or you can be filled with love. Choose the positive energy of love. 

You can see the situation as a problem, or you can see it as an opportunity. Make the choice to look at it as an opportunity, and the opportunity will indeed be valuable. 

Life is what it is. Yet the way you choose to see it makes all the difference in the way you are able to live it. 

See the positive possibilities, choose the positive response, and you'll live a rich and fulfilling life. Go through each day with a positive perspective, and you'll encounter new treasures in every moment. 

You always have a choice, and your choice always has its consequences. Choose positive, and choose the best of all possible worlds.

Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost

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The Daily Motivator