18, Memory Lane

My friends wanted to cheer me up and do something special for me on my 18th birthday. So they decided to throw me a little surprise birthday party. The only thing they told me was to "dress up" and I had no idea where we were going that day. 2 of my girlfriends met up with me and later some other guy friends we knew came along. One of them gave me a bouquet of flowers, which was a little awkward for me (I don't really fancy flowers) and then I was "whisked away" to some place. It turned out to be a nice restaurant/lounge. We had a really great time together and the band playing were awesome too. At the end of their performance, they played this song specially for me... Little did I know that it's gonna be the start of an exciting and exhilarating Rollercoaster ride for me ^_^

Today, years later, I came upon this song on youtube. It was just before midnight, I was listening and singing the song when hubby came in the room, started to shower me with kisses, wishing me "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!". Then when it came to the chorus, we both sang together. It was at the stroke of midnight and suddenly I was back in that restaurant/lounge, with the band singing, my friends around me, me so happy and high... hahaha! But only this time, this very moment, I felt even more complete. The very same feeling I had back then and even more with my hubby next to me. I don't know what you call it - that Feeling. It just made me feel so alive... Aaahh... This song totally resonates with me more than ever and yes, Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

PS: LOVE the movie Mannequin too! ^_^

And we can build this thing together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us 

Ooh, all that I need is you
All that I ever need
And all that I want to do
Is hold you forever, ever and ever...

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost

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