I was thinking of getting a rainbow cake for my birthday but I already had that for my wedding anni in May. Then I thought, ok I'll just get the red velvet cupcakes and brownie just to celebrate early November with my family and colleagues.

On my birthday, right on midnight both my nephew and hubby sang to me and wished me. It was the best! My 2 most beloved guys with me on my birthday! YAY!!  Then early morn, my mom called me and sang to me and that was the sweetest thing, in fact, it never gets old; I'll always giggle like the little girl - mummy's dearest and most beloved.. Heeheehee! Yea, I'm spoilt but only spoilt with loads of Love from both my parents and I'm so grateful for that! I love you too mom and dad!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

That day was off day for me - plant shutdown. Just awesome cos it was a Monday and the following day was a Public Holiday (Deepavali). Long weekend for me!! Another YAY!! ^____^ Hubby went for his driving practice early morn and he bought for me my favorite asian style stir-fried noodles with my favorite chicken wings, vegetables and fishcakes. And the most sweetest part was, he came home with a surprise for me!

What's even MORE surprising was, it was EXACTLY as how I had imagined it! About a week or so, I had pictured in my head hubby surprising me with a box, but in my "dream" I didn't quite see what's in the box. I didn't tell him about it and just went on with my days and suddenly on my birthday it happened! My jaw dropped! I was totally surprise and yeah, a little freaked out! I was too happy for words and half the time, I wasn't really listening to him (sorry Lov! i was too excited!) but I knew he kept repeating that he didn't know if I'd like it and he wanted something different, not something that I'd like but main thing it's from him to me. I opened it, and it's a WHOLE cake! I thought he'd just get me some different slices of cake, I didn't expect a WHOLE cake! Best of all, the cake is so YUMMY!! I LOVE IT!! Thank you Lov!!!

Yummy Fruit Cake from hubby and me making my birthday wish!
The next day, I met up with an old friend who had "disappeared" from the cyber world and kept silent for a long time and suddenly "emerged" back.  We had a long chat and we both missed each other soooooo much! We went to Max Brenner at Vivocity and I love it!! Definitely going back there again! YES! My friend also bought me a gift (another surprise!) and we shared fondue and churros. The fondue and especially churros so YUMMZ! For drinks, I had white chocolate strawberry frappe and my friend ordered Hot Chocolate Pops - looks so thick and yummy too!
Max Brenner Chocolate Bar @ Vivocity Singapore
That night my col was bugging me if am going to work the next day. She eventually let out her surprise for me and I thought it was so sweet of her. I didn't know what cake but it looks home-baked. When I went to work the next day, the minute she saw me she kept apologizing cos she said on her way to work, the cake slightly toppled and it's quite a mess. I assured her that it's ok but what really surprised me was that she said it's a RAINBOW CAKE! I didn't tell anyone about it cos like I said, I already had a rainbow cake for my anni but the truth is, I still wanted it, so I got it! It's a RAINBOW CAKE! HEEEEE!
Rainbow Cake from my colleagues

One surprise after another! Then today it's the AP-PEL! SWEET NOVEMBER!! Thank you for the blessings and all the surprises so far! I'm so grateful and so very happy! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost

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