Tosca Reno's Eat-Clean Diet

Tosca Reno's Eat-Clean Diet thumbnail
Tosca Reno, 50, has reportedly lost 100 pounds between the ages of 40 and 47 with the Eat Clean Diet and has kept it off.
On her website, Tosca Reno describes herself as someone who was incredibly unhappy at age 40. It was at the middle of her life that she decided against eating unhealthy foods and started developing what she dubbed "The Eat-Clean Diet." Just ten years later, at age 50, she has sold over one million copies of her Eat-Clean Diet books and been on several nationally syndicated television shows to spread a few basic truths about her Eat-Clean Diet.

Load Up On Green Vegetables

  •, the official website for Tosca Reno's Eat-Clean Diet, describes the diet not as a choice of foods, but as a new way of life. The old you must die away to make way for the new, healthier you. This is not about additions and subtractions but about changing the way you think and your perspective on eating.
    The most important food group in Tosca Reno's Eat-Clean Diet is vegetables. The greener, the better, in Reno's opinion. Foods that should take up the majority of one's diet are cucumbers, lettuce, green beans, asparagus, broccoli and celery. An easy way to transition your body into the Eat-Clean Diet before purchasing the books and program is to stock up on any and all green vegetables in your grocery store.

Limit Carbs and Coffee

  • Coffee and pastries are an enjoyable breakfast but they won't get your body as clean as it needs to be to run at optimum pace
    Tosca Reno stresses the importance of eating breads and grains in moderation.
    While carbohydrates feed your body with much-needed energy, breads should be limited to half a dozen portions a week or fewer. Apart from milk (preferably soy), dairy should be kept to a minimum as well. Water and green tea should be all you're drinking; soda and coffee contain an excess of toxins and can undo all the good things those vegetables are doing for your body.

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

  • Exercise, in Tosca Reno's opinion, is an overlooked part of many modern diets. The Atkins Diet, for instance, does not mention the necessity of exercise and could contribute to a weakened heart that isn't helped by all that meat and cheese.
    Reno suggests doing 40 minutes of light exercise with the Eat-Clean Diet. Light exercise constitutes the following: speed walking, jogging, light weightlifting, yoga and moderate bicycling.
    Also, supplements aren't necessary in the Eat-Clean Diet, but Reno says you can't overstate the importance of a moderate intake in additional nutrients. Vitamins B, C and E are very good at keeping the body running optimally. And since the Eat-Clean Diet calls for a reduction in red meat, putting protein powder in your tea and water is a helpful idea.

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