This was a planned visit that almost didn't make it. Hubby really wanted to go to ThreeA's art show and toy event that runs from 27th April to 4th May in Hong Kong. The thought of queuing overnight for the new toys was daunting and hubby told me he don't mind going there by himself but I wanted to go too. Then there was the issue of funds but it seemed we were meant to be at the event when 1 day, he received a very delightful surprise in the mail and he almost jumped with joy - it was an invitation to come to the event's pre-opening party! Another surprise, we had more than enough funds for the both of us to go too! YAY!

There was another thing that we had to face - accommodation. There were some other events going on in HK during that period and hotels were all fully booked. There's one hotel, L'Hotel Island South, that caught my eye but it was not exactly where we had planned to be. A plus for this hotel is that they provide free shuttle from the hotel to the city centre and the price was within our budget. So hotel and flight tix all booked and we're ready to go!

We reached HK at night and we took our time to walk around and bought food for supper. Since we already missed the shuttle, our other option was to either take the cab or their public bus. I told hubby I read the info about the hotel's transportation that the cab fare is reasonable and we decided to take the cab.

Upon arriving at the hotel, we were both pleasantly surprise with the hotel room. Everything's great and the next few days of our stay at the hotel was simply fantastic! What's even more surprising the hotel is situated close to the places we wanted to go, except for ThreeA office. Still, we found out that we can take a different MTR route to reach ThreeA office easily or even take cab from our hotel directly and the fare is also reasonable.

I must say, this 2nd visit to HK was the best experience for me. Everything from shopping, dining, sight-seeing was simply awesome! I really enjoyed my stay there and wish we could have spent more days to go to even more places. Just the thought of this trip is making me smile right now... Yeah... It was really truly a wonderful trip!  Looking forward to be back there again! I LOVE HONG KONG! ^_____^

Sunset view way up high
Hotel's business area at the lobby
Free room upgrade!! Yay!!
Nice welcome message from Hotel displayed on the big tv ^_^

PS: Can't seem to upload much pix on here... hmm...

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost

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