Tosca Reno Clean Eating Diet Tips

Tosca Reno is the author of nearly a dozen diet books.
Tosca Reno is the founder of a modern diet called the "Eat Clean Diet." It is high in green vegetables and low in breads and non-water beverages. It is a diet with a few strategies that are very easy to remember and, with a couple of tips, anyone should be able to lose weight. 

Add Green Vegetables to the Menu

  • Tosca Reno's website,, says this diet is similar to several other popular ways of losing weight, but unique enough to make a difference. For example, the Eat Clean Diet and the South Beach Diet both stress the importance of lean meats such as fish and chicken. They both hold that people should be eating smaller, more frequent meals food to speed up metabolism, and that water is the best beverage to drink.
    But where Tosca Reno differs from many mainstream diets is that it isn't so much about portions, packaging or counting points and calories. It's just about eating a plentiful amount of what's good and leaving out what's bad. The main part of the Eat Clean Diet is vegetables. In Reno's opinion, the greener, the better. Foods that should make up the majority of your diet are lettuce, green beans, asparagus, spinach, cucumbers and celery.
    Before spending money on Reno's books and programs, start by cleansing your body and transitioning into the diet. Increase your consumption of green vegetables and eat very little bread and red meat.

40 Minutes of Daily Light Exercise

  • To further transition your body into the diet, start a regular routine of light exercise. This is also where Reno's Eat Clean Diet diverges. Many diets focus on what foods to eat and not to eat. While that's true with the Eat Clean Diet, Reno also mandates at least 40 minutes of exercise five times a week.
    Great exercises to pair with the Eat Clean Diet include speed walking, jogging, yoga and light bicycling.
    While the Eat Clean Diet doesn't require it, a regular intake of additional nutrients and supplements can only help you. Since the Eat Clean Diet calls for a reduction in red meat, adding protein powder in a glass of water is a very helpful idea. Also, invest a little money in some calcium pills, since dairy is reduced in the Eat Clean Diet.

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