Clean Eating Recipe: Atlantic Salmon with Clean Asian-Slaw

Saw this recipe on FB from Clean Eating Recipes page. The pic looks so yummy! Must try!

Atlantic Salmon with Clean Asian-Slaw

1 x Piece Atlantic Salmon (skin removed)
1 x Fresh Lime
Cracked pepper

Clean Asian-Slaw:
1/2 Wombok Cabbage
1 x baby Fennel bulb
1/2 x large Spanish (purple onion)
1 x bunch fresh Coriander
1/2 x bunch fresh Mint
1/2 cup Slivered Almonds

Juice of 2 x Fresh Limes
2 x teaspoons Rice Wine Vinegar (optional)
2-3 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 x teaspoons Natvia
1-2 teaspoons Sesame Oil (to your taste)
1-2 teaspoons Tamari (optional)
Cracked pepper (to your taste)

Finely slice cabbage, fennel and onion and place in a large salad bowl. Chop coriander and mint finely and add to bowl. With your hands, gently combine and mix ingredients together.

Heat a non-stick pan and place almonds in. Gently toss until they become lightly toasted (golden in colour). Allow to cool in pan before adding them to the salad and stir through.

For the dressing, simply combine all ingredients in a bowl and whisk together. Pour over salad and toss.

Heat a clean non-stick pan and spray lightly with cooking spray. Place your salmon (skin side down although the skin has been removed!) Squeeze 1/2 lime and sprinkle some cracked pepper over it. Cook for approx 4-5mins on that side then carefully turn over and squeeze the other half of the lime and add more cracked pepper. Cook for a further 4-5mins (cooking time will vary depending on thickness of the piece of fish)

Place Asian-Slaw on plate then place the fish on top and serve with a wedge of fresh lime. ENJOY!

1 x piece of fish per serve
Salad serves 6

If you are not going to use all the salad at once, simply serve a portion in a separate bowl and toss the dressing through as you consume it. Undressed salad will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3-4 days!

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