An Uncomfortable Visit

Last Thursday, I chartered a ride up to my parent's place in Melaka. It was eve of Hari Raya Haji and most of the roads up in Johor Bahru were packed. By the time we reached my parents place it was almost midnight. I was just relieved that we arrived safely and was in dire need of a good rest.

The rest had to wait - ended up chatting with my dad till 3am. It was so warm that night and I could barely sleep. I was perspiring so much and when I finally slept it was time to wake up, making me even more tired and drained. The following night I decided to sleep at the air-con room and managed to get some rest.

Spent 4 days at my parents place and it was only on the last day that hubby and I managed to do some gardening and cleaning.  By the time I was finished with the chores, my bad back started to crank up again. Oi... the ordeal... I seriously need help. It's getting a lot more challenging for me to do chores and I'm not liking it one bit... Am really grateful hubby's been very patient and accommodating - giving me back rubs every now and then and applying the medicated lotion at my back... Really appreciate it.

Our ride home was by train and the only tickets available was the midnight train. Our next door neighbor and my mom sent us to the railway station and mom also packed some specially made curry puffs (with minced meat and eggs!).  So I have some comfort - mom's cooking for the journey: Yummy Love! I also made tuna sandwich and tea for the journey home.

The seats we got were facing the opposite direction of the movement of the train and it was the most uncomfortable seat mainly because of my back pain and the fact that I've "grown" so yeah, it seemed a lot smaller than before.. haaaa... At first I couldn't get a shut eye but eventually managed to even with the small seats and low air-con - I was perspiring so much too! The only thing on my mind was Home and how I miss my comfy bed. I focus on all things good and getting a good rest. Finally reached Johor Bahru and I was so relieved.

Overall, it was a good visit apart from the usual heated argument with dad. I guess I'm just really very exhausted. I'm looking forward to our next holiday - Autumn in Kyoto? Yes! Make it true!

6.30am view @ Causeway from Johore Bahru to Singapore

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost

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