My First Vision Board

YAY! I completed it! Long overdue but nevertheless it's completed! While looking for some ideas for my vision board I came across this pic:

It struck some chord alright! Yes Batman! I hear ya!

I'm happy with my first vision board. The more I delve into it, the more info I get about it. One of it is from this comment I saw on The Power's FB page yesterday. The comment was written by this lady, Sarah Centrella and I was even more inspired to do my vision board. So I started penning down my thoughts and the tips from her blog as well as others that I found along the way. 

While working on my vision board, I chatted with an old schoolmate about it. She too believe in it and has been practicing for the past 4 years.  She also shared some tips with me and it made me even more determined to follow and cultivate positive and good habits in order to live the Life I envision. I truly believe and I know I can make it all come true.

Here are some tips my old schoolmate shared with me:

1) change the mindset that success is hard, getting more money is hard, maintaining is hard.....basically on anything is do your thing, the universe will work its way for you....don't bother just does....

2) keep talking on the things you want for you n partner even if it sounds farfetched....keep talking....cos energy radiated from the talking will be telling the universe to make it happen....soon, you will hear more n more good news out of nowhere....the more you feel blessed n appreciate even the tiniest gift, the more you'll receive babe....

3) everybody has problems n responsibilities to take care of.....just avoid sighing, be aware but avoid talking about them cos talking about them will radiate its negative will soon find that you have ways to solve your problems n eliminate them constantly....

Thank you so much old friend! Here's to living our Dreams and living a fulfilling Life! xoxoxox

My First Vision Board (311012)

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost

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