Sieve out the Negative and STAY POSITIVE!

I was reading my earlier blog about my First Vision board and when I read the part on my friend's tips on problems I suddenly realized something. Recently, there have been some new family issues that has surfaced and as much as I keep telling myself that the only reason am talking about it is just to serve as a personal reminder, it still don't sit well with me.

So how do one eliminate such negatives especially when the problem is closest to Home?

I guess the only way is to turn the situation into Positive. For example, if it's about one of your family members, listen to what is said and do not respond immediately. Usually from personal experience, immediate response stems from emotions. You do not want to get emotional, trust me. Cos once the emotion switch is ON, it will go full-speed and you can go on and on and will only end up being negative too.

So, Listen, be Calm, Reflect, maintain a Positive view at all times and Accentuate the Positive.


When a family member/friend comes to you with a problem, keep your silence and LISTEN. DO NOT JUDGE, just LISTEN with an open heart.

2) BE CALM -

Whatever anyone say, remain calm at all times. If need to, take a deep breath and slowly count to ten. Maintain your breathing. I find that taking deep big breaths helps me calm down a lot. Breathe in through your nose, feel your stomach expanding and slowly let it go. Try not to breathe in and your whole shoulder and neck raise at the same time cos that will cause strain. Breathe in slowly through the nose, stomach expand, maintain a relax shoulder/neck posture and breathe out through the nose with stomach in.


Yes! You can do that while Listening! When you're calm, you also keep your mind open and believe me, you will be able to reflect on what is said by the other person. If what is said is negative, remind yourself what you can learn from that experience. Think how you can deviate the negative and carefully plan out your thoughts to respond positively.

4) Positive View -

To me every negative situation always serve as a reminder, a lesson to learn and improve on. If a negative view is said about someone, again, DO NOT JUDGE. Some people just need to learn at their own time and pace. If you have already advised that person and he/she still proceed to do the wrong things or still behave in an inappropriate manner, then leave it be and walk away. You have already done your part and remember that alls not lost - pray for that person and for you yourself, learn from the experience and improve on your own life.

5) Accentuate the Positive -

Has any negative situation ever made you feel good? Really good?? No good thing is ever gained by ANY negative situation. So emphasize on your POSITIVE - eat, live and breathe POSITIVE. Whatever negative thoughts, cast it away! Let it go! BE FREE! Do it by your words and action! If it makes you happy just laying by the beach, get yourself out there and go!

Everyday, say at least one positive thing to yourself and keep saying it to yourself throughout the day. Say it with a SMILE! Today, I woke up and said my thanks for being alive and well and shouted: "YES! I CAN DO IT!" Just keep the positive attitude throughout the day.

Also remember to always be GRATEFUL no matter how small the effort, be GRATEFUL. Like this morning, it was raining, and usually it's always hard to get a cab but I got a cab and I immediately said my thanks and I also make it a habit to say "Good Morning" to the cab driver and after I let the driver know where I'm going, I'll say my thanks too. Simple acts like that can sometimes make someone day. Doesn't matter if what you do is appreciated - do it because you want to and because you're sincere. That's the main important thing.

Whatever it is, if you find yourself on an emotional YOYO, going back and forth from Positive and Negative, stop the Negative and STAY on the POSITIVE. If meditation helps, do it - anything that help you to STAY on the POSITIVE, do it! Sing, dance, watch funnies on TV - whatever it takes as long as you STAY POSITIVE.

Do it for YOU and keep smiling beautiful!


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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost

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