Expect... a Miracle.

When walking the road to Positivity,
Challenges may appear in many forms;
Keep on going,
Keep on believing,
Know in your heart you will make this journey,
Be strong.

Expect a Life full of Joy,
Expect abundance in Love,
Feel the Positive energy radiating in you,
Go ahead,
Expect a Miracle.

Have faith dear Mighty Heart,
Know that everything will be alright.
For every pause in Life,
Is Life's reminder to rest and Smile.
And you will See how Life's miracle,
unfolding before you...
And all that you have Dream will come True.

*Much Love and Hugs from Me to You.
Keep on Believing! Keep the Faith! 
Expect a Miracle and BELIEVE!*

Photo taken from Nourish Co.'s FB page

Photo taken from Surfing Rainbows' FB page

Photo taken from Surfing Rainbows' FB page

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost

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  • - anything Home related (from interior design to home accessories)
  • - Azuki beans!!
  • - Bags, Shoes... (maybe cos the only thing that change is the design haha!)
  • - Baking (therapeutic ^_^)
  • - Chocolate cake, Cheesecake... oh well, all cakes and pastries ^o^
  • - Comic characters: Hulk, She-Hulk, Iron Man, Hellboy, Death, Groo, Mystique, the animals in Liberty Meadows (haha!), and many others...
  • - Comics: it varies from time to time (depending on my mood), but I do love Liberty Meadows, Groo, Death (Neil Gaiman)... Ooh ya! Nancy ^_^ and er... I'll add as I go along...
  • - Curling up on the sofa with a mug of hot cocoa on a cold and/or rainy day
  • - DVD Box Set (don't know why, just love it), Star Wars/Star Trek/Battlestar Gallactica... whatever collectibles that'll make me go WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ^O^
  • - Fruits (very long list - mango, mangosteen, rambutan, dragonfruit (esp. red 1!), LOVE FIGS, cherry, plum, peach, lychee, grapes, oranges, pear, apples, AVOCADO, and it goes on and on...
  • - Grilled/Smoked/BBQ meats, seafood, vegetables... mmmmmm
  • - Lobster (haha! this always reminds me of Peter from Family Guy: ROCK LOBSTER!!)
  • - Nuts: almond, pistachio, walnut, cashew, brazil nut, pumpkin and sunflower seeds (ok, not nuts)
  • - Rainy days = happy days
  • - Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) haaaaaa
  • - SALMON nom nom nom nom nom
  • - smell of cinnamon and freshly baked breads... mmmm...
  • - Smoothies, Shakes, Yoghurts, Ice Cream, GELATO... (yummm)
  • - Strawberries, blueberries, all berries...
  • - the color Red, Sky Blue and Earth Green
  • - TRAVEL!!! ^_^
  • - UNAGI... yummmm...

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The Daily Motivator