Love Rollercoaster

What was I thinking when I was brainstorming the name for my blog? Apart from the fact that it's also a song title by one of my fav band Red Hot Chili Peppers... Yeah, I used to dream of meeting them and just hang out, go on tours with them... Haha... Back in the days when most of my time was spent dreaming mainly to escape the non too pleasant reality. I still Dream but now, I Dream not to escape but to Create and starting from 2 years ago, one by one my Dream turn to Reality!

Remember my first trip to Japan in 2011? I still remember my feelings back then - I was super stoked! Looking back, this was the post I wrote on April 25th, 2010 that started it all: Inspired and Excited! The following year, I went to Japan and after that I kept telling myself that I will be back there again and I did for the second time this year! How awesome is that!

So what did I do take make my Dreams come true? I was sure of what I want and I made a precise decision. I didn't have a vision board at the time but once every so often, I would think and dream about it. The process was a little bumpy but I kept focusing on all good things and while dreaming I knew in my heart that YES! I am going to Japan!

Slowly, things started to happen. My hubby got word of the Wonder Festival (Winter) in Japan and we kept talking about it knowing that we're going to be there. Months went by and then it was 2011. The festival was held February 6th, 2011 at Makuhari around Chiba area.  We were nervous, not knowing how we're gonna make it to the festival but we still believe we're going! Finally, a week before the event, we managed to get funds to go and off we went! We even managed to get a great hotel deal and cheapest flight too! Super bonus!

We went with no expectations. For one thing it was our very first flight out together and we were simply overjoyed. What came after was having our first best experience in Japan! From that trip onwards, we started to see significant changes in our lives.

One thing for sure, it's not just changing your mindset about being Positive. Frankly, before this, I had some deep negative issues that was so deep, it's just a miracle that I survived.  Part of making way for better, new things to start happening in your life really starts within. YOU need to make a conscience decision to start living the life you want. Let go of what's past and forgive yourself.  Start loving your Self more and doing things YOU want.

Basically, I had to restructure almost everything in my Life. It was tough initially especially when some things were just very close to heart but for my own Self, I did what I had to in order to be more at peace and live more positively.  This was also why it took me quite awhile to make things happen for me but I eventually made it! Yeah! So don't EVER lose sight of your Dreams - whatever it may be. Keep going and going till you get where you wanna go. 

It does help that I have a very supportive partner and I am truly blessed. Sometimes it's easy to overlook such people in your life and often we take them for granted. Look around you, See with your heart, even if you have no one with you, remember that you are never alone in this world. Have faith and know You are greatly Loved. You still have YOU. Even with all the support from others, the one person who can truly help you is none other than YOU, your Self. If you don't pick yourself up and instead, drown yourself with tears and despair, how can you even see the hands reaching out to you? 

That was one of the things that happened to me. I was spiralling down so fast and I couldn't See. At that time, my maternal grand-dad passed away and on top of other chaos that went on, I just couldn't handle death in the family. Not at that time, not at the state I was in. I became paranoid and was totally out of control. I remember my hubby talking to me but this time, his tone was harsh. I didn't wanna listen and I kept crying and then it hit me quite brutally both mentally and spiritually.  He said if he's gone too then who's gonna take care of me but me alone. With everyone not on my side, who will be there for me? The word "alone" itself shocked me. At first I thought he was cold and plain insensitive but what he said somehow made sense to me even in the kind of state I was then. I stopped crying and from that moment on I began to See and Listened.

What my hubby had said somehow gave me a renewed perspective of what I want for ME. For days I pondered and reflected. Till today, I am very grateful to him for being "harsh" on me that life-changing day. Had he not said that, I would not have Seen my Self and love my Self enough to change my life and live life the way I want.  

So there you go, my "Love Rollercoaster" - all my ups and downs during the ride, sometimes screaming along the way (but more because of the FUN! heehee!), "ironing out the kinks" but in the end, I enjoy my ride. I always do.  

Come with me, let's enjoy the ride together, shall we?

Much Love from Me to You


Battlestar Galactica ride @ Universal Studios Singapore

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost

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