Keep Your Focus!

My nephew told me yesterday he'll be flying to Amsterdam soon for work, most probably next week. He's actually gonna go to Rotterdam and he's kinda dreading the thought of going there again. It's not the place, he love it there but it's the work. I'm like his cheerleader, cheering him on and talking to him of all the possibilities, the fun, adventure... and then I told him, who knows I'll be joining him there after he finish his project and we can go to London or Paris (or BOTH!) before coming back home. That made him smile, thinking of the possibility and he was like, "YEAH!!"

When my nephew was in school, he told me how much he wanted to travel, just like his brother - his brother travels for work. After school he went to do his National Service and his mind was set to continue his studies after his Service but his plans shifted. His dad wanted him to start working but he was against that idea and felt really down about it. We talked and eventually he landed a job in an Oil and Gas Co. Just weeks into his job, he was told to go to Rotterdam for a project there. That's not all, he even get to travel business class! His flight tix was actually for an economy class but because he went with one of the clients, the guy upgraded my nephew's tix just so that they can sit together on the plane.

Sometimes, things may not turn out as you had planned but keep your focus on the positive - a better plan might just be in store for you!

Like my nephew - he wanted so much to travel and he eventually get to travel and his first trip was on business class, all expenses paid for! It also didn't take long for my nephew to get a job and in the same industry as his brother. For a fresh school leaver, with no work experience, it's amazing that he get the job in an Oil and Gas Co. When he first got called for the interview, he didn't wanna go because it's not the kind of job that he wants. I felt that it was not because of that but of the fact that he's not ready to dive into a full time job yet as his mind was still set on going back to school and he admitted. I told him to give the interview a shot. He'll never know what might transpire after the interview. He was still reluctant because he didn't wanna design for ships but Homes! I kept steering him away from the negative and told him to keep his focus on the positive. No one knows for sure what the future holds but heck! Go ahead and give it the best shot!

So he got the job, he get to travel and the best part? He also get to do what he loves - designing for Homes! It turns out, his senior has a side job on interior designing etc. ^____^

That's the power of "Intent" and Knowing what you want. I believe whatever you put your Heart and Mind to something, you will get it and if you don't it's because deep down, you actually doubted about it and maybe you didn't really want it. Or maybe you really do want it but it's not good enough or big enough for you. So Dream BIG, Know what you want, be Passionate about it, FOCUS and you will get it.

Much Love from Me to You

Picture taken from Empower Network site.
Click to read a great article on "Keep Focused on Your Goal" ^_^

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost

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