Spreading the Positivity

It's true, the more positive you are, the more challenge you'll face. That's what happened to me today but somehow with all the Positive Power that I have, I managed to filter and only listen what I want. I've been through this road before and I should be well aware how to handle such negative situations.

I kept treading slowly on the road to Positivity and I've been feeling really happy today. For that I am grateful for this day. It has been a pleasant day at the office and I get to meet up with hubby after work, we also bought some groceries - bought more fruits, salads and vegetables just as I had said I would - overall, today is a Happy Day! Thank You for this day!

Hubby printed for me my 2 vision boards in 2 sizes as I had wanted (A3 and A4). The pictures turned out great! Hubby did a lil' tweaking for me (thank you Lov!) and I loved it! Now next step is to paint the wall in my room. Hubby painted the room awhile back and somehow the painting just peeled off. It's ok, that means I get to choose a new color for the wall! Yay!

Initially I wanted to paint the room a deep pink but then I saw this picture of a room on FB by Home Decorating and it's gorgeous! I also like the decal on the wall.. actually, am not sure if it's painted or pasted. I asked hubby to do something like that for me and I can't wait to see how it'll turn out! I can already imagine it to be as gorgeous as the picture below!

Oh and Yes!! To celebrate November, I ordered a special brownie with chocolate fudge and white chocolate drizzle and also Red Velvet cupcakes from my friend! I brought half of it to share with my colleagues today and just being with them, listening to their jokes, laughter and seeing big smiles on their faces - that made my day. I feel blessed too! So much to be thankful for today!

Sweet November

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost

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The Daily Motivator