Let The Past Go

Let Go
I suddenly remembered a close friend and decided to go to her page on FB and found out that she has deactivated her account. I am sad about it but not to the point of being upset. It's been awhile since we kept in touch - we sort of drifted apart for the past half year. Then I remembered another old friend with whom I've stopped contacting.

One I made a conscious decision to stop all contact and the other I didn't but the one that hurts the most was the former. It was a painful decision but it was also necessary - for my own sanity. Whatever it is with these 2 old friends, I guess their time with me and my time with them is up. All that needs to be done had already been done.

I'm happy for them wherever they are and whatever they're doing and I pray the best for them.

So thank you for being a part of my Life and for letting me be a part of yours at some point in this Lifetime.

Ralph Marston, you're really awesome for posting this today. It's as though you Know...

Let the past go

It’s okay that you’ve wasted some time. It’s not okay to continue doing so.

There’s nothing wrong with the fact that you’ve made some mistakes. Now, take what you’ve learned from those mistakes and use it to make some progress.

Quickly and fully forgive yourself for any shortcomings in the past. Then diligently get to work creating a bright and valuable future, starting where you are right now.

Don’t allow the past to imprison you or discourage you. Instead, let the opportunities of the present inspire you to take solid, effective action.

Life is now, so be here now and give your focus to what you can do with now. Life is now, so live it now without being weighed down by what has already come and gone.

Be truly thankful for what has brought you here, whatever it may have been. Then let the past go and let yourself soar into a magnificent, fulfilling future.

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on." - Robert Frost

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